The member's of REIGN consist of: Rusty aka Russel B. Cooley Sr., JStrong aka Rodney J. Elderkin with Reverend Lawrence Nunes and Jeffrey Liggins. Collectively we’ve unified our talent, individual musical skills and industry experience to fulfill the purpose for which we believe we’ve been called. And it’s a family affair! Rusty and JStrong are uncle and nephew respectively. Lawrence a family cousin. and Jeff Liggins is a long-time friend of the family and brother in the fellowship of Christian believers.”
REIGN’s mission statement is two-fold: First, as a music production team; Writing and producing songs that resonate with the public. Creating songs that will "Stick to the Wall.” Second, as recording artists to spread the message of “Faith, Hope and Love” through music, song and testimony in the genre of Contemporary Gospel/ R&B Inspirational music. We’d love the opportunity to come share with your centers/ congregations or events in music and song and testimony. Please feel free to contact us anytime and blessings on you!